We are extremely superstitious, or Catholic. We get the two confused. We do believe in “what goes around, comes around”, “Don’t spit into the wind”, and “Scottish Terriers hold grudges.” Today is Friday, the 13th of February and we will not leave our home, cook over an open fire, or ask our children if they need money.

The Lucky Black & White Westminster Breed Winner
We do not think we are unique. In fact we think that a lot of dog people are superstitious. Everyone knows that a black cat crossing your path means bad luck, but few know that an encounter with a black and white dog foretells good fortune. Many people believe that dogs can sense spirits. Some believe that if you stand behind a dog who is staring into space and look between his ears you will see a ghost. It is more likely that you will see that jelly bean that rolled under the kitchen counter three weeks ago. We once dated a girl whose dog, Sam, could predict when her parents would return home with uncanny reliability.
Dog show people tend to have their own superstitions, often manifested in good luck charms. Witness Parker Posey’s panic over losing her Weimeraner’s bumble bee toy in the film, Best In Show. The lead that the Scottish Terrier, CH Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot, wore at Westminster this year was the one worn by the Scottish Terrier, CH Bardene Bingo, when he went BIS there 42 years earlier. Not all dog show people are superstitious, of course. After all we have dog shows today in Colorado, Florida, and Indiana.
Despite our superstitious nature, even we will have to venture out of doors today. A broken mirror may bring seven years bad luck, but failing to buy your wife a Valentine’s Day gift will bring an lifetime of misery.
Despite our superstitious nature, even we will have to venture out of doors today. A broken mirror may bring seven years bad luck, but failing to buy your wife a Valentine’s Day gift will bring an lifetime of misery.
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