GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas
At today’s Butler County Kennel Club final in Prospect PA BIS
judge Teddy McDowell considered the English Springer Spaniel, CH Cerise
Starlight Express, the Ibizan Hound, CH Serandida Abbaio La Contessa Scalza SC,
the Siberian Husky, GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas, the Bedlington
Terrier, GCH CH Peremi I M A Player, the Pug, GCH CH Andi Adonis, the Standard
Poodle, CH Ale Kai Hillwood Celebration, and the Shetland Sheepdog, CH Acadia
Stage Presence.
CH Cerise Starlight Express
Judge McDowell went with the Siberian, Fizzy, as her Best
and the Springer, Luke, as her Reserve.
Three of Fizzy’s five BIS this year have come this month. We think it is time we told you that Fizzy is