Victor Clemente had the final ring at today’s Chesapeake Kennel Club Of Maryland event. His remaining seven were the Weimaraner, CH Northwoods Send The Money Honey, the American Foxhound, CH Kiarry’s Walk This Way, the Great Pyrenees, CH Rivergrove Trump This, the American Staffordshire Terrier, CH Wonderlands heavily Armed Agitator, the Papillion, CH Zelicaon Butch Cassidy At Draco, the Standard Poodle, CH Dassin Hillwood De-Lovely, and the German Shepherd Dpg, CH Kridler Nutmeg V Signature.
His BIS was Trump, the Pyrenees. DOG2WATCH Trump, the Country’s number one Pyrenees, now has eleven Bests this year.
His BIS was Trump, the Pyrenees. DOG2WATCH Trump, the Country’s number one Pyrenees, now has eleven Bests this year.