CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore
The Standard Poodle, CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore, continues her remarkable run of BIS, taking today’s Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club show in Sequim WA, Encore was joined in judge William H Holbrook by the Golden Retriever, CH Rush Hill's River Road Payoff, the Whippet, CH Sonsteby's In A Pickle, the Boxer, CH Duba Dae's Who's Your Daddy, the Miniature Boll Terrier, CH Nederes' Lil Game of Blackjack, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, CH Full of Malarky Miles of Aisles, and the Australian Shepherd, CH Akilah's Making History. Encore and handler Tim Brazier now have scored eleven big rosettes in just 15 shows. Friends, that’s a batting average of a major leaguer.