We usually have to wait on mid Atlantic results, but we have the outcome of today’s Talbot Kennel Club show in Easton MD.

This show had some of dogdom’s heavy hitters competing for Best In Show. Kenneth Falconi’s finalists were the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, CH Firesides Spontaneous Combustion, the Irish Wolfhound, CH Dun Myrica Speaker Of Eagle, the Rottweiler, CH Blackrocks Kazanova, the Airedale Terrier, CH Stirling Cool Hand Luke, the Italian Greyhound, CH Honore’s Lily-Belle, the Miniature Poodle, CH Splash Di Caprio, and the Australian Shpherd, CH Mysharas Dream Girl.
It was Tip, the Wolfhound, picking another BIS. Tip, already a top twenty dog, will move up a couple of places in the rankings with this win.
It was Tip, the Wolfhound, picking another BIS. Tip, already a top twenty dog, will move up a couple of places in the rankings with this win.