We want to remind our readers that you are all invited to the Dog Show Poop Garden Party, Monday and Tuesday nights, 9 & 10 February, from 7:45 PM EST to 10:15 PM EST. The Westminster Dog Show is on the menu and our loyal readers are the entertainment.

Here’s the dance card:
Monday, it’s the Hound, Terrier, Herding, and Non-Sporting Groups, first on USA network from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM, the switch to CNBC from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Tuesday, we’re with USA network all night long from 8:00 PM to 11:00.
We will have some special features, including I-reports from Julia Weiskopf of FashionTribes.com, Julia, the niece of Joan Weiskopf, the dog nutrition author, will be giving us a Seventh Avenue look at the show. We also have several people who have promised to check in with ring side reports.

The format will open house and all comments are welcome. You don’t have to be an experienced exhibitor, but we sure welcome you if your are. So join us Monday in the Garden. Ladies, hats are optional.
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