Saturday, October 9, 2010


GCH CH Kiarry’s Walkin On Sunshine

It was fitting that America’s iconic breed, the American Foxhound, chose the iconic Morris and Essex Kennel Club show as the site of the American Foxhound Club’s 2010 National Specialty.   You could go to 17 dogs shows in a row and never see an American Foxhound, but Polly Smith had 17 from which to choose his BISS, not bad for a breed that only registers about 50 dogs a year. 

Her Best of Breed was GCH CH Kiarry’s Walkin On Sunshine.  BOS went to CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pride, BW/WD was Crossroads Just Right Joe, & WB was the 10 month old puppy, Kiarry & Deluxe Adam’s Rib. BISS winner Katrina was bred by Dianna Jaeger, Donna Millman, & Lisa Miller, is owned by Harry & Lisa Miller and was shown to the win by Brittani Kettleson, standing in for regular handler Lisa Miller.  Our congratulations to team Katrina & all the entries and our special thanks to them all for preserving this living link to our American heritage.


  1. Polly Smith did the national, Peter did sweepstakes.
