We are now fully caught up on our number crunching and we have up to date rankings completed for both the traditional top ten, on the left hand side of this page, and our top ten, on the right hand side of this page. A cursory glance reveals that there is little difference between the two. This does not surprise us much.
We have had a few questions about our regional rankings. We have posted a regional top ten only for Region 2, the Southeast Region. The reason for this is there have been 25 all breed shows already in Region 2, giving the dogs competing plenty of chance to distinguish themselves. Every dog in the Region 2 Top Ten has won at least one BIS.
By contrast Regions 3 & 5, the Great Lakes and South Central Regions, each have held eight shows. There have been a total of 12 shows (not counting two in Hawaii) in Regions 6 & 7 combined, the West Coast regions, and two dogs, the Giant Schnauzer, CH Galilee's Pure Of Spirit, and the Standard Poodle, CH Randenn Tristar Affirmation, have won seven of them, leaving little room for nine other dogs to distinguish themselves. Regions 1 & 4, the Northeast and the North Central Regions, have logged only four shows each.
There are 39 all breed shows scattered over all seven regions scheduled for the coming two weekends. We feel confident that we will be able to post regional rankings for all the regions by the first week of February. So look for your winner here.
Traditional & Dog Show Poop National Top Ten
Number One Dog, Dog Show Poop Regions 6 & 7
Number One Dog, Dog Show Poop Regions 6 & 7
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