This week the AKC released it’s annual report on the ten most popular dogs. Given the popularity of the recent film, Marley And Me, no one should be surprised that once again the Labrador Retriever is the most registered dog in the US. However, here we want to focus on the ten least popular dogs in the US. So here is the countdown of the ten dogs that most of the American public have never seen.
10. The Swedish Vallhund, comes in at 149 of 158 AKC breeds. This short legged little dog is relatively new to AKC, receiving recognition in 2007. We are optimistic that it will climb in the registration given the relative popularity of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi it resembles.
9. The Canaan Dog, a medium sized, short haired breed that fits into all sorts of households, comes in 150. Although this is a dog with an impeccable service dog pedigree, it has steadily declined in the registry since it’s initial admission to the registry in 1997.
8. The Komondor, number 151, the giant Hungarian walking mop, is a connoisseur’s breed, with space and grooming requirements that would be off putting to anyone, but those with a penchant for the unique. However, they are always a favorite of the crowds at shows as a walking advertisement of the diverse international community that is the AKC.
7. The Sealyham Terrier, number 152, is well known to our readers, but is a rarity outside our rarefied world. CH Efbe’s Hidalgo At Goodspice has been a fixture on the world stage for the last three years, but the Sealie has dropped nine spots in the registry during that time.
6. The Finnish Spitz, at 153 in the registry, has been in the registry for over 20 years, but still is struggling to get established. Having dropped 12 spots in just the last five years, this is truly an endangered breed.
5. The Otterhound, a large economy sized dog, with an everyman appearance is number 154. It’s regular dog look and affable demeanor might make it a favorite, but the size is more than many modern homes can accommodate .
4. The Harrier, one of three foxhound types in the bottom four, had the ultimate poster boy in 2008 in CH Downhome Family Tradition. However, this breed comes in at 155. Hunting the hare may be a thing relegated to another century, but this breed need not be. Any suburban home can readily accommodate one.
3. The Glen of Imaal Terrier, number 156, is also fairly new to AKC, joining the registry in 2004. Outshined by the other short legged, hard coated terriers in the show ring, the Glen of Imaal has yet to gain a real place in the American home.
2. The English Foxhound, number 157, must rely on a dedicated handful of fanciers. It has neither the size, appearance, or national identity to rally the general population to it’s defense. Nonetheless, one would be a handsome addition to anyone with the space and energy necessary.
1. The American Foxhound, at number 158, is the least popular dog in the US. Think about that. The breed made famous by our first President, the iconic symbol of life during the American Revolution, is dying out for lack of interest by a public that thinks the current President should get a “Labradoodle”, but we shall reserve a future post for that subject. The American Foxhound is our standard bearer in the war against breeding restrictions.
One editorial point, breeding restrictions will hit the rare breeds the hardest. Our general economic situation makes it all the more difficult to preserve these rare breeds. Make sure your elected officials know where you stand on breeding restrictions. You don’t want to be helping your grandchild with his American history and have him ask you, “What kind of dog, did George Washington have?” and you have to say, “an American Foxhound. They’re gone now, but I saw one once.”
Like the common collie. I'm not a show-dog person, but I tried to find a common collie for a house dog. They. no. longer. exist. I am shocked.