Monday, January 18, 2010


The Merrimack Valley Kennel Club had so much fun at their show yesterday in Fitchbug MA they did it again today.

CH Tumomak Simbamoyo JC

Betty Jo Patrick wrapped up the four day stay with the Vizla, CH Kezdet’s Grand Mark Gedeon JH, the Rhodeisan Ridgeback, CH Tumomak Simbamoyo JC, the Saint Bernard CH Mickey III, the West Highland White Terrier, CH Deerhaven Hez Justin Kredible At Orion, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, CH Mondrian VH Lamslag RE, the Schipperke, CH De Lamer Pink Flamingo, and the Bearded Collie, CH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins.

And talking about redos, the Ridgeback, Simbamoyo, posted the back2back BIS. We guess that if you are only going to do a few shows a year, this is the way to go. Bravo!


  1. It's rare to see a Ridgeback win back-to-back BIS. My heart leaps with joy when it happens.

    Elaine Hudson
    Cynara Ridgebacks
