Saturday, July 25, 2009


We’ve heard from one our I-Reporters in Marion OH where it was day two of the Dan Emmett Kennel Club.

CH Cerise Jesse James

Today it was Tom Hale’s turn to see the final seven. They were the English Springer Spaniel, CH Cerise Jesse James, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, CH Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray JC, the Siberian Husky, CH Coventry’s Peace Negotiator, the Smooth Fox Terrier, CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice, a Pomeranian from the 9-12 Puppy Dog class, Evensong’s Back In The Saddle, the Standard Poodle, CH Hillwood Dassin De-Lovely, and the Bouvier des Flandres, CH Keribou’s Casino Royale.

Top honors went to the nation’s number one English Springer, Jesse. Congrautlations to team Jesse on his third BIS this year….and we get to re-use one of our favorite photos.


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